We create more than a hundred new videos every year. They are the culmination of countless hours of researching, writing, editing, animating, and producing. We comb through thousands of scientific papers from the peer-reviewed medical literature so busy people like you don’t have to!
In 2024, I covered a wide variety of hot topics. I released an update on why I changed my mind on water fluoridation, a series on the benefits and side effects of flu, pneumonia, and shingles vaccines, and, of course, a lot on aging and anti-aging based on my research for How Not to Age. Which videos floated to the top last year?
#10 Benefits and Side Effects of the Flu Vaccine
Randomized placebo-controlled trials show that flu shots can be extraordinary lifesavers. Can you prevent the flu with foods and supplements, like elderberry and echinacea? See Elderberry Benefits and Side Effects: Does It Help with Colds and the Flu?.
#9 The Pros and Cons of Testing PSA Levels for Prostate Cancer
#8 Are Fish or Fish Oil Supplements Good for the Heart?
Five massive new trials have been published recently, randomizing tens of thousands to various formulations of fish oil versus placebo. Want to know my omega-3 recommendations? See my Optimum Nutrient Recommendations.
#7 The Best Dietary Detox
#6 How to Lower Lp(a) with Diet
#5 Why Do Milk Drinkers Live Shorter Lives on Average?
#4 How to Boost Your Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs) for Heart Health
#3 Preventing and Treating Osteoporosis (Webinar Recording)
#2 How Not to Age – Live Presentation
#1 Can Alzheimer’s Disease Be Reversed with a Plant-Based Diet?
Thank you for being a part of this community. We gained more than 140,000 new subscribers on YouTube in 2024, and the number of people we can reach with this life-saving, life-changing information continues to grow.